Expiration & renewal on motor vehicle documents extended

If you’re due to renew your motor vehicle registration, driver’s license, get an inspection or other DMV documents, the expiration and renewal dates have been extended by the DC Department of Motor Vehicles, according to a notice the agency put out on July 16th. This includes paying tickets.

The deadline is now 45-days after the coronavirus health emergency ends. (Right now, that emergency condition has been extended until October 9th.)

You can still renew online pretty easy — I just renewed my vehicle registration online and received my new stickers and documents pretty quickly in the mail.

DMV’s message below:

In accordance with applicable laws and the current Mayor’s Order, all DC DMV documents with an expiration date on or after March 1 will remain valid until 45 days after the coronavirus (COVID-19) public health emergency concludes. Eligible documents include driver licenses, identification cards, vehicle registrations, inspections, ticket payments and ticket adjudication responses. Under DC law, your license, registration and inspection are still valid. 

All driver licenses, vehicle registrations, and vehicle inspections scheduled to expire have been granted a waiver without penalty until DC DMV reopens at full operating capacity. Customers are encouraged to use online options by visiting dmv.dc.gov. DC DMV has more than 55 online services enabling customers to “skip the in-person trip.”

When travelling to other states/jurisdictions, it is recommended that you print and carry with you the memo below, which also is at coronavirus.dc.gov/DMV.



Hyperlocal community journalist in Petworth, Washington DC.

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