Selfies with Drew... it's kind of a thing I do.
If I can, I try to grab someone for a selfie with me at the end of a meeting, event, random meeting on the street, etc. Yeah, it's a weird quirk of mine. Also, I am now aware that I own a lot of plaid shirts. Hope to see you in a Selfie with Drew!
Last updated: Thursday, Oct 1, 2017

NPR radio host Diane Rehm takes a selfie with Drew, September 27, 2017

Brian Nelson-Palmer, host of DC Music Rocks podcast & radio, poses with Drew & a few hundred close friends at the DC Music Rocks Festival at the 9:30 Club (Sept 2, 2017)
It's a giant #selfiewithDrew from the 3rd Annual Petworth News Shindig (July 15, 2017)
DC Mayor Muriel Bowser poses for a #selfiewithdrew at the Petworth News Shindig (July 15, 2017)
Councilmember Robert White poses for a #selfiewithdrew at the Petworth News Shindig (July 15, 2017)
Hanging with Hamza Jahangir and Tasnuva Khan at the first Sherman Circle iftar! June 22, 2017
Nora Yugo poses for a selfie at the Reading Room, March 21, 2017
Humane Rescue Alliance CEO Lisa LaFontaine poses with Drew, February 21, 2017. (Sarah Yacoub with the photobomb in the back!)
WAMU's Ally Schweitzer poses for a selfie on February 8, 2017
ANC 4C Chair Zach Teutsch and Mezcalero chef & owner Alfredo Solis, January 12, 2017.
PN writer Lois Cooper poses for a Selfie with Drew.
Hello! Mercedes poses for a Selfie with Drew on the 200 block of Upshur St, June 29th, 2016.
Hanging out with the original Slim, the carpenter and namesake for Slim's Diner. June 29, 2016.
Domku owner Kera Carpenter poses for a Selfie with Drew on June 25, 2016, Domku's last weekend on Upshur St.
Great to meet author Trey Graham at the Third Floor, June 11, 2016.
Celebrate Petworth with a dancing clown (I was a bit unnerved, TBH). June 4, 2016
Enjoyed meeting former Congressman Jon Porter (@jportertweets) talking politics, civility & community activism. May 23, 2016
One of the best Selfie with Drew pics ever. From the 2nd Annual Petworth News Shindig, May 7, 2016
Lori Todd poses for a selfie with Drew. May 7, 2016
Hanging with Councilmember Brianne Nadeau, March 28, 2016.
Hanging out with Mr. Tim Regan from the blog. December 15, 2015
DC Mayor Muriel Bowser poses for a selfie with Drew at the MPD Community Engagement Academy. December 2, 2015
NBC 4 reporter Jackie Bensen poses for a selfie with Drew. December 2, 2015.
Hanging out with the "Tycoon," the mascot of the Lincoln's Cottage museum. October 20, 2015

Happy to meet Chuck Brown mural artist Charles Jean Pierre. October 14, 2015
Ran into ANC1A Commissioner Kent Boese on the metro and posed for a selfie. September 11, 2015
Selfie with DC author David Nicholson, September 2, 2015.
Chef and restauranteur Alex McCoy poses for a selfie with Drew. August 31, 2015.

Baba Ras D poses for a selfie with Drew at the Petworth Jazz Project. August 29, 2015.

Eddie Suarez poses for a selfie with Drew at the Grant Circle Social, August 19, 2015.

Mayor's Ward 4 Liaison Jasmin Benab poses for a selfie with Drew at an ANC 4D meeting, Aug 18, 2015.
Sarah Levine helped me out by taking notes at the July ANC 4D meeting, and poses for a selfie. Thanks Sarah! July 21, 2015
DC DDOT Director Leif Dormsjo poses for a selfie with Drew. July 21, 2015
Hanging with Martin Austermuhle from WAMU, talking about Petworth community. July 14, 2015.
MPD PSA Lieutenant David Augustine poses for a selfie with Drew. July 10, 2015
David Garber poses for a selfie with Drew at the Petworth News Shindig, June 29, 2015
Jamie Riley, Washington Post Local Opinions Editor, poses for a selfie at the Petworth News Shindig. June 29, 2015. (Those balloons behind me are... unfortunate, lol).
Daniel Hausman (the blog's 1000th FB Like) poses with Drew at the Petworth News Shindig, June 29, 2015.
Josh Brown (CM Bonds Community Outreach Director) poses for a selfie at the Petworth News Shindig. June 29, 2015
Petworth resident and former ANC 4C Chair Rudolph Harris takes a selfie with Drew. June 27, 2015
Jackson Carnes (Ward 4 Constituent Services Director) poses for a selfie with Drew at the SW Petworth Lemonade Social.
June 24, 2015
Commissioner Taalib-Din Uqdah (4C01) poses with Drew at an ANC 4C meeting.
June 10, 2015.
The *original* Petworth News blogger Bill Crandall posing for a selfie with Drew.
June 6, 2015
Fritz Hubig poses for a selfie with Drew
June 6, 2015
MPD 4D Inspector Vendette Parker poses for a selfie with Drew at the #IWishUKnew event she held at the Petworth Metro. I appreciate that Inspector Parker is trying to connect with residents... and humors my quirk for selfies.
Sara Herrera Kopetchney (Petworth Dance Project)
May 30, 2015
Rainbow Joe Kennedy, Jr, percussionist.
May 30, 2015
Artist Torie Partridge shares a selfie with Drew.
May 30, 2015
Washington Nationals Presidential mascot Abe Lincoln poses for a selfie with Drew at the Petworth Library. 5/30/15
Amy Symonds, Powell Elementary teacher, poses for a selfie with Drew at the Powell Carnival.
Russ Breckenridge poses for a selfie with Drew at the Southwest Petworth Lemonade Social.
May 27, 2015
Hanging with Zach Teutsch at the Lemonade Social.
May 27, 2015
Maria Mandle from CreativeCouchDesigns poses for a selfie with Drew at the Petworth Community Market, 5/23/15
ANC 4D05 Commissioner Krystal Branton poses for a selfie with Drew.
May 19th, 20015

Ward 4 Liaison Khalil Thompson (4/30/15)

Councilmember-Elect Brandon Todd (4/29/15)
Drew and At-Large Councilmember Anita Bonds (4/25/15)
PSA 407 Lieutenant Van Crawford, a great partner in the community (4/7/15)
Drew getting interviewed by Jackie Bensen from NBC 4 (3/24/15)
Pedro Rubio poses with Drew (3/24/15)

Rob Mandle poses for the obligatory selfie with Drew.

Commissioner Bill Quirk poses for an obligatory selfie with Drew.

Joe Martin poses for the obligatory selfie with Drew.

John Ray poses for an obligatory selfie with Drew.

Natalie poses for an obligatory selfie with Drew.

Chris Brandt poses for the obligatory selfie with Drew. I look it, but I'm not stoned here.

Captain Brian Bray poses for an obligatory selfie with Drew.

David Sheon poses for the obligatory selfie with Drew.

Avideh Mayville poses for an obligatory selfie with Drew.

Rob Mandle poses for an obligatory selfie with Drew.

Jeff Standish takes the obligatory selfie with Drew.

Crystal Sylvia takes an obligatory selfie with Drew at the EL Haynes Community Meeting. Crystal has worked very closely with the school to represent resident concerns. She deserves a lot of credit for her work.

Original Petworth News and the new Petworth News in one photo: Bill Crandall in an obligatory selfie with Drew.
January 21, 2015

Carol Herwig poses for an obligatory selfie with Drew. (Carol is one of my favorite neighbors to pull into selfie photos -- check out that hat!)
January 21, 2015

Maria Mandle poses for an obligatory selfie with Drew.
Jan 21, 2015

Tom Pipkin poses for the obligatory selfie with Drew.
Jan 21, 2015

Selfie with Paul Ruppert and Kristina Bilonick
January 16, 2015

Selfie with Kristina Bilonick
January 16, 2015

The ANC 4C meeting gets a selfie with Drew.

Me and Anna Gaseitsiwe, who runs Glazed Over, a paint your own pottery company that sounds awesome. Check her out at
January 12, 2015

Brandon Todd
January 12, 2014

Pedro Rubio
January 12, 2014

Me and Carol Herwig (the only way I get into these photos are selfies, lol)
December 27, 2014

Carol Herwig, November 23, 2014

Hanging with Bertram at the quota art exhibit.
Nov 13, 2104

Had the pleasure of meeting Eleanor Holmes Norton this afternoon.
November 4, 2014