Petworth PorchFest is almost here!

Petworth PorchFest is April 30th!


Petworth PorchFest is April 30th! 🎵🎶🎸

by Cesse Ip

Let’s get this cold weather out of the way now because Petworth Porchfest is coming up on Saturday, April 30th from 2-6pm (rain date Sunday, May 1st). So far there are 99 bands signed up and 63 porches ready to host. Plus, there will be a main stage at the Petworth Recreation Center (8th & Taylor Streets) and at the Art of Noize alley parking lot (821 Upshur St NW). 

Headliners on the main stage at Petworth Park include Riz Tha Great, Vintz Desert, Thunderpaw, Brandon Woody, and Upendo

The Mayor is set to come to the event, as will our local Councilmembers.

The Porchfest Steering Committee is still welcoming more bands and porches, so if you are interested in playing or hosting on your porch, you can contact them directly.

Just like last year, this day will be an awesome day of music, neighborliness and fun! Walk to your neighbors’ houses to see bands like Sidewalk Soul and Heidi Martin.

Lastly, the Steering Committee is still looking for volunteers and sponsors. Join the likes of Timber Pizza, Rabih Chamas Greenline Real Estate, Eddie Suarez, Tara Hoot, and Solar Solutions to help put on this amazing day of community building.

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Cesse Ip

Cesse Ip moved to DC in 2008, and in 2014 she and her husband decided to make Petworth their home. Petworth is where she found her best friends, her kids’ friends and her “people.” When she’s not working for the Department of Defense or chasing around her two small sons, she enjoys cooking, eating (especially when someone else is doing the cooking), reading and playing Settlers of Catan. A true nerd with two degrees in mathematics, writing came late to her, but she is looking forward to answering your questions about our community!

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