After a terrible house fire, local resident needs support


From a local verified GoFundMe:

In the early hours of March 3, fire trucks converged on Renee's Petworth rowhouse on the 500 block of Shepherd Street NW, where a fire had started in the bathroom. After two hours, and believing they had completely quenched the fire, DCFD left. Renee spent the night at her cousin’s and hoped that the damage would be repairable.

Tragically, the fire re-ignited, and firefighters returned around 5am to find the house going up in flames. The damage from the extensive fire combined with the water used to put it out destroyed everything Renee owned. Friends brought clothing, and the Red Cross is providing temporary housing, but Renee’s life has been completely upended.

Renee has been a fixture on this block for over 30 years, and neighbors are keen to help her return. She needs our help now!

Please consider making a donation to Renee's GoFundMe


Hyperlocal community journalist in Petworth, Washington DC.

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