Petworth art gallery Art of Noize’s latest exhibit focuses on Women’s Empowerment, Hair and Body Positivity

Petworth art gallery Art of Noize’s latest exhibit focuses on Women’s Empowerment, Hair and Body Positivity

Art of Noize’s newest exhibit, “Femmiliar,” opens on Saturday, April 10th. The opening reception will be on Saturday from 2-7pm. Art of Noize is located in the alley in the rear or 821 Upshur St NW.

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New art show at Art of Noize evokes the African diaspora

New art show at Art of Noize evokes the African diaspora

A cool art exhibition is opening at Art of Noize, with the opening reception on Saturday, March 6th from 7-10pm (in the rear of 821 Upshur St NW). Featuring local artists Emond Nassa and Khalid Thompson’s exhibition, Transatlantic: Innermost Connections.

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Performance space "Art of Noize" reopens on Upshur Street

Performance space "Art of Noize" reopens on Upshur Street

Opened in 2017, Art of Noize is a multipurpose artist and performance space that showcases artwork and creativity. They had the lease on Georgia Ave terminated when the building owner sold the building with little notice. Owner Adrian Ferguson knew he wanted to stay in Petworth and began to look for a new location.

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