Take an important survey about the future of the Celebrate Petworth Festival

Take an important survey about the future of the Celebrate Petworth Festival

We’re seeking community feedback about the future of the Celebrate Petworth Festival, as well as asking for a few community members to join the planning committee. Take the survey about the Festival so we can hear from you!

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Share your experiences crossing New Hampshire Avenue for a research study

Share your experiences crossing New Hampshire Avenue for a research study

Two local scholars are studying safety along New Hampshire Avenue and are looking for your input.

No matter our differences as people, we all have one thing in common: at one time or another, we are all pedestrians. My colleague and I are conducting a survey to hear what people have to say about crossing New Hampshire Avenue in Petworth so that we can better understand the lived experiences of diverse pedestrians in our neighborhood.

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DPR gets ready for Upshur Park renovations — share your input in a survey

DPR gets ready for Upshur Park renovations — share your input in a survey

After more than a decade, Upshur Park, located at 4300 Arkansas Ave NW, is scheduled for a $19 million renovation.

You can submit your thoughts on what to prioritize in the renovation via an online survey — the deadline to submit your input is November 19th.

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Share your opinion on what type of restaurant might open on Upshur

Share your opinion on what type of restaurant might open on Upshur

The owners of 821 Upshur St NW reached out to say they’ve been meeting with many different restaurateurs who have expressed interest in leasing the space. Now they really want your opinion! Take a survey of potential restaurants to fill the space at 821 Upshur. The owners will review your submissions.

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Survey on merging Petworth and Greater Grant Circle listservs

Survey on merging Petworth and Greater Grant Circle listservs

I have created a survey for you to help me as I work to transition the Greater Grant Circle and the Petworth listservs to a new platform. As I was putting it together, I wondered at the option of merging these two listservs and reducing email clutter (and hey, no lie here, reducing my administrative work…).

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Take a survey for Catholic University nursing students!

Take a survey for Catholic University nursing students!

Two third-year nursing students at the Catholic University of America in Brookland are taking a class in Community Health, and as part of their course requirements they are conducting a “windshield survey” of a neighborhood in DC — in this case, Petworth. They’re hoping you’ll anonymously answer some questions about the neighborhood.

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Do you want the Roosevelt HS pool to also be open for residents? [survey]

Do you want the Roosevelt HS pool to also be open for residents? [survey]

Ever since Roosevelt High School (13th and Upshur Streets NW) reopened, there’s been calls from residents to make their new pool available for use during off-school hours. The main push is that it’s the only local indoor pool, and it’s set up for using swim lanes.

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Best of 2018! It's time to vote for your favorite blog, restaurant and more

Best of 2018! It's time to vote for your favorite blog, restaurant and more

It's time for the Washington City Paper Best of DC 2018 Reader's Poll... when you get to choose your favorite restaurants, entertainment, services and of course, best community blog! Like this one!

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Kennedy hoping to get Main Streets designation and looks for community feedback

Kennedy hoping to get Main Streets designation and looks for community feedback

KSDC and CAUFS recently held two meetings to get feedback from community members on their vision for the corridor. Now they're looking to reach a wider audience and want your opinion about the street in a survey -- so take a few minutes and let your voice be heard.

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"Best of DC" Readers' Poll: Consider voting for Petworth News!

"Best of DC" Readers' Poll: Consider voting for Petworth News!

"Best Community Blog" is on the survey's People & Places list, and I'd be honored if you considered voting for Petworth News as Best Community Blog.

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Are you happy with your cable and cell phone companies? Take a survey! [Update: survey closed]

Are you happy with your cable and cell phone companies? Take a survey! [Update: survey closed]

Every few months, someone sends an email to the area listservs asking for advice on what cable TV or cellphone company people like. I figured it was a good idea to get everyone's opinion and publish this for neighbors to get an idea of what others like, dislike and how much they're paying.

The information you submit will be published anonymously (no name or email will be published or shared with anyone). This isn't a sponsored post, and no company will see the results... unless they read the blog, naturally.

So share your thoughts!

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