Councilmember’s Corner: 2019 budget wins (education, public safety & more)

Councilmember’s Corner: 2019 budget wins (education, public safety & more)

From education and recreation, to public safety, to human services, housing, infrastructure, and beyond, this budget makes the strategic investments necessary to build a thriving, safe, and inclusive District.

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Councilmember’s Corner: Giving blind and visually-impaired students a fair shot

Councilmember’s Corner: Giving blind and visually-impaired students a fair shot

Earlier this month, after meeting with members of the Ward 4 and DC blind community, I introduced legislation that would improve Braille education for blind and vision-impaired students in DC public and public charter schools.

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Councilmember's Corner: Calling on Maryland & Virginia to join DC’s full assault weapons ban

Councilmember's Corner: Calling on Maryland & Virginia to join DC’s full assault weapons ban

While the District remains a leader in gun control, boasting some of the nation’s strictest gun laws, a gaping and deadly systemic flaw remains – assault weapons illegally brought into DC from other states with looser restrictions. To address this, I introduced a “Sense of the Council” Resolution earlier this month calling on Virginia and Maryland to join the District of Columbia in fully banning assault-style weapons.

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Councilmember's Corner: Petworth Community Market needs your support

Councilmember's Corner: Petworth Community Market needs your support

Last year, the Petworth Community Market came to me with an urgent concern. Due to a District-wide increase in parking meter fees, the Market faces an 800% increase in their meter costs that threatens the sustainability of their future operations.

As soon as I heard, I knew I had to act, and I'm asking for your help.

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Councilmember's Corner: Net Neutrality in the District

Councilmember's Corner: Net Neutrality in the District

Last week at City Hall, I chaired a Public Roundtable on the subject of Net Neutrality. The goal of the roundtable was to better inform District residents on what net neutrality is and what the repeal might mean for customers, students, and small businesses. We heard testimony from a number of witnesses, including members of the public, subject matter experts from a range of institutions, and government officials.

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Councilmember's Corner: If you're considering prepaying your 2018 property taxes

Councilmember's Corner: If you're considering prepaying your 2018 property taxes

The deadline to prepay your real property taxes and claim a deduction on your 2017 return is coming up quickly -- you have until midnight on December 31, 2017.  Here's some information on how to do it, including a letter from DC's Chief Financial Officer.

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Councilmember’s Corner: Granting relief to cemeteries inundated by DC Water fees

Councilmember’s Corner: Granting relief to cemeteries inundated by DC Water fees

I understand that the Clean River Project must be completed, and reducing the funds that cemeteries contribute leaves a hole that must be filled. It wouldn’t be fair to push those costs on to other ratepayers. That is why I am calling on the DC Government to make up the difference.

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Councilmember’s Corner: Putting families first

Councilmember’s Corner: Putting families first

During the summer recess of the DC Council, my staff and I listened carefully to Ward 4 neighbors about your concerns and your hopes for the future. I repeatedly heard how as the cost of living in the District rises, families feel increasingly financially squeezed. So I took that input back to City Hall and got to work on concrete legislative solutions. At the September 19th meeting of the DC Council, I introduced three bills that would save DC families money and enhance their quality of life.

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Councilmember’s Corner:  Protecting your internet privacy rights

Councilmember’s Corner:  Protecting your internet privacy rights

As more and more of our personal and professional lives are centered around the internet, privacy protection has become an issue at the heart of life in a digitally-connected era. It is imperative we have robust protections in place, and a new bill in front of the DC Council sees to that. 

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Councilmember’s Corner: Progress on animal welfare law continues

Councilmember’s Corner: Progress on animal welfare law continues

This past January, Petworth captured the attention of the District and animal lovers around the nation when a pit bull named Momma was left outdoors in extreme cold. The inhumanity with which Momma was treated, and the insufficiency of existing laws to address her abuse, sparked a grassroots movement to strengthen the District’s animal welfare laws to ensure that no animal suffered the way Momma did. Since then, I have been hard at work with advocates and the Humane Rescue Alliance crafting comprehensive animal welfare legislation. I am proud to report progress on this endeavor.

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Councilmember's Corner: "The 2018 budget is a win for Petworth"

Councilmember's Corner: "The 2018 budget is a win for Petworth"

Welcome to the first column of “Councilmember’s Corner,” a deeper dive into the matters important to Petworth residents. As you may know, on Tuesday, June 13th, the DC Council approved the finalized Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 budget. After considerable community outreach and substantial advocacy on behalf of Ward 4, I am pleased to report that Petworth will see a number of high-priority items funded in this year’s budget...

(Editor's note: We're pleased to have Ward 4 Councilmember Brandon Todd as a new contributor to the Petworth News blog. The Councilmember will have a regular column on the site, sharing pertinent news and information about things happening at the DC Council that impact a Ward 4 audience)

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