Check out the Farmers Market at The Parks on Sunday

Check out the Farmers Market at The Parks on Sunday

The FRESHFARM Market at The Parks continues this Sunday from 10 am to 2 pm. The market features a dozen producers this week, including a bakery, two farms, meat producers, dog treats, empanadas, coffee, an orchard, and more! Don’t miss Honey Hemp Farm’s CBD-infused teas, the delicious meats offered at Holly Brook Farm, and mushrooms by new vendor Sweet Pea Farm.

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The National Symphony Orchestra brings free music to Petworth

The National Symphony Orchestra brings free music to Petworth

The National Symphony Orchestra is getting back at it and is going to be in Petworth at various locations for in September. These performances are FREE and showcase different instruments, ensembles and genres.

All concerts are free to the public with first-come, first-served seating. Face masks are required for all indoor performances.

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A band named BRNDA keeps the music going through Covid

A band named BRNDA keeps the music going through Covid

BRNDA is a four-piece local band practicing in the Brightwood Park area. They just released a new album this month called Do You Like Salt? As expected, the COVID pandemic greatly affected their ability to meet up and practice as a full band for about a year, nor any shows. But now this local band is getting back in the scene on Friday, September 10th at Comet Ping Pong with May Rio and Tosser.

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Either DGS lied or they can't figure out how to explain a "fix" (Editorial Op-Ed)

Either DGS lied or they can't figure out how to explain a "fix" (Editorial Op-Ed)

On Wednesday, August 25th, staff from the Department of Government Services (DGS) led by Director Keith Anderson, took Councilmember Janeese Lewis George and some of her staff on a tour of Powell Elementary to review a new, “temporary fix” for the school’s broken HVAC system. But when asked to clarify the fix… DGS has no answer.

There is no HVAC fix.

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Despite assurances, Powell Elementary's HVAC will not be working in time for school start, says DGS

Despite assurances, Powell Elementary's HVAC will not be working in time for school start, says DGS

By the end of last term, parents and the Powell Elementary principal were afraid their long-time broken HVAC may not be fixed by the fall semester, forcing unvaccinated children to resume school in hot classrooms without proper air circulation. By May, DGS reported that after failing three times to complete a contract to fix the HVAC due to paperwork mistakes, they finally had a repair vendor contracted and would have the HVAC fixed before school started.

Now, DGS says they won’t be done on time.

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More great family activities at The Parks at Walter Reed (kids music, outdoor movies & more)

More great family activities at The Parks at Walter Reed (kids music, outdoor movies & more)

There’s an awesome lineup of family fun next weekend on Saturday August 21st at The Parks at Walter Reed. Their first outdoor film night kicks off with Get On Up, right after a kids music event and an amazing performance by Butcher Brown. The amphitheatre-shaped Great Lawn is large enough for plenty of socially distanced outdoor fun.

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Op-Ed: A fact-based plea for those hesitant to get the COVID-19 vaccine

Op-Ed: A fact-based plea for those hesitant to get the COVID-19 vaccine

I’ve been listening to their various concerns and have put together a list of facts from reputable sources that hopefully can be used to dispel some fears. If you’re on the fence, I hope that you can use this list to either change your mind about getting a COVID-19 vaccine or share the information to your family and friends so they can change their minds.

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Vacant/blighted buildings are languishing and hurting the vibrancy of the Kennedy Street community

Vacant/blighted buildings are languishing and hurting the vibrancy of the Kennedy Street community

Vacant/blighted properties clustered on the 400 block of Kennedy Street NW owned by the same development company are an eyesore for the neighborhood, rodent havens and trash-dumping grounds. These properties have been labeled vacant and/or blighted for years, but those designations and DCRA have done nothing to encourage the owner to take action. At this point, it seems only legislation and more residential complaints are needed to get something done.

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Park(ing) Day 2021 is popping up around town on September 17; here's how to take over a parking spot

Park(ing) Day 2021 is popping up around town on September 17; here's how to take over a parking spot

Originally started in San Francisco, Park(ing) Day is used to reimagine how public spaces like street parking can be activated for people rather than vehicle parking. In the past, pop-up parklets have been used for fitness classes, community meetings, art, showcases for upcoming projects and programs, expanded seating areas, and changed how DC streets are used.

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Here's the line-up for August's Summer Saturdays free music on Upshur Street

Here's the line-up for August's Summer Saturdays free music on Upshur Street

More free music on the 800 block of Upshur Street every Saturday of August starting at 5pm. Here’s the line-up of bands.

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Councilmember’s Corner: Responding to gun violence in our communities

Councilmember’s Corner: Responding to gun violence in our communities

Our communities are reeling from the devastating gun violence that our city is experiencing. From the shootings by Nationals Park and 14th Street to the tragic killing of 6-year-old Nyiah Courtney in Southeast DC and the public safety incidents in our own neighborhoods, it’s clear that DC and Ward 4 have not been spared from the nationwide surge of gun violence. These crimes are senseless and catastrophic.

We cannot afford for this situation to continue and for more lives to be claimed by gunfire.

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Amazing events & activities await you at The Parks at Walter Reed on Georgia Avenue

Amazing events & activities await you at The Parks at Walter Reed on Georgia Avenue

There’s been a new community gem slowly crystalizing on Georgia Avenue, and with the changes to public gathering rules, you finally have a chance this year to enjoy all the different events The Parks at Walter Reed have to offer. And there’s a ton going on right in our backyard.

There are more than 90 different events happening this year, starting on August 1st with jazz, farmers’ markets, a new playground and more. Check it out!

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Call for artists! The Petworth Mural redesign kicks off

Call for artists!  The Petworth Mural redesign kicks off

It’s finally time! We’re making a call for artists to submit their designs for a new Petworth mural on Upshur Street. Do you have experience with murals? We want to hear from you!

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Commissioner Namatie Mansaray voted as new ANC 4C Chair as commission makes changes

Commissioner Namatie Mansaray voted as new ANC 4C Chair as commission makes changes

On Monday, July 12th, ANC 4C voted to remove Commissioner Paul Johnson as chairperson on a vote of 8-2 in favor. Commissioner Johnson and Commissioner Yvette Marbury-Long voted against the motion. While Johnson will no longer be serving as chairperson of ANC 4C, he will still serve as a commissioner representing the 4C07 Single Member District.

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