It’s a stressful time and talking helps — Kennedy Counseling meets you online [sponsored]

Virtual therapy is not new to Kennedy Counseling Collective’s clinicians, but it may be for many community members. Like many businesses, the Collective has temporarily closed their office and is offering video therapy for the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

“People need more support right now,” says co-owner Marjorie Strachman Miller. “They are afraid, feeling the effects of isolation, and are concerned for their loved ones and community members.” 

That stress and fear is normal, and one of the best ways to deal with it is to talk it out with a therapist.

Whether you are feeling isolated and alone, or never have a minute to yourself because you’re in close quarters with your family, counselors are ready to adapt to your emotional and logistical situation. Strachman Miller says many of their clients were surprised with how easy it was to transition from in-person to virtual therapy sessions.

“We know this is not only a fearful time, but a chaotic time for many,” says co-owner Heidi Vanderwerff. “To help, we’ve come up with some ways to adapt what we do in person to online video meetings.”

They’re offering free 15-minute virtual consultations for those who may have thought video therapy wasn’t for them. To help people manage time or cost, they’re offering special 30-minute virtual appointments which may also be helpful for families with children who may not have the attention span for the standard 50-minute session.

Parent support sessions after bedtime are available if needed.

Couples who find themselves with more time together can take advantage of joint virtual sessions from home. Kennedy Counseling Collective is also offering sliding-scale services to current clients who have been furloughed or laid off due to the pandemic.

Right now, it’s a common challenging feeling trying to deal with the additional stresses of living through the coronavirus outbreak. “We’re here to create a calm space, find solutions to new obstacles, and if the opportunity presents itself, to use this as a time for self-reflection and relationship enhancement,” said Strachman Miller.

Take a moment and find your own best way to talk through the stress.

Book now or visit to learn more about therapy options.


Hyperlocal community journalist in Petworth, Washington DC.

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