Grab a bouquet and enjoy a cup of coffee on Kennedy Street
/by Wanda Lucas
L’Enfant Florist, (703 Kennedy Street NW) reopened last month after a complete renovation made possible by a Great Streets Grant. The owner, Bolor Tumurpurev, wanted to use the space more efficiently so she could offer other activities that would benefit the community. With the reopening, the neighborhood has a place to escape the busyness of urban living and enjoy coffee, fresh baked goods and conversation in a welcoming space.
The store is also available for bookclub meetings, baby showers, and more, and gives Bolor the space to teach workshops on succulent design, Kodedama making and holiday centerpieces. The intricate design elements of the store include both plants, art, and carefully chosen furniture, giving the space an inviting warmth.
“I love flowers because they make the day different,” Bolor said. “Whether you send them, receive them or purchase them for yourself, they’re simply beautiful.”
Owner Bolor Tumurpurev poses with Ward 4 Councilmember Brandon Todd to celebrate the reopening of the store.
Incorporating displays of items from local artists and the ability to hold pop up shops was also a part of her vision to support other small business owners. For example, Bolor includes a candle created by a local artist, with every floral arrangement she sends out.
On the weekends you can pick up a sandwich or other treat from a local bakery along with your coffee and your bouquet. L’Enfant florist offers a great selection of flowers and plants and is open Monday - Friday from 10am to 5pm, Saturday from 10am to 4pm and Sunday from 10am to 3pm.
Hey, get a discount!
Customers who mention this Petworth News article will receive a 15% discount during the month of October 2018. Visit their website for a schedule of upcoming workshops.
Fun fact: The best roses are grown in Ecuador.
L'Enfant Flower Shop & Café
(202) 554-3480
703 Kennedy St NW