Hundreds join the Petworth Family March to demonstrate solidarity (photo gallery)
/ DrewSeveral neighbors decided that instead of taking their young kids and families down to the craziness of the National Mall for the Women's March, they thought they would try to gather a few local families together to create their own Petworth Family March. Well, it wasn't a few people who showed up, it was hundreds of people.
A group of 400 hundred or more Petworth residents (likely more) met up at Sherman Circle, sang a few songs together while holding up homemade signs. The crowd then marched down Kansas Avenue to the Petworth Library and Upshur Street Books for story time. The line seemed unending, stretching down the sidewalk from the Library all the way to Sherman Circle. Neighbors came out of their houses to wave and cheer (in one case, banging pots and pans to encourage the demonstrators), and cars honked and bicyclists waved as they drove by. It was extremely heartening to see how open-minded and accepting our Petworth neighborhood really is, and what living in a great community looks like.
A special shout out to the MPD officers for coming out to the march and stopping traffic as the crowd crossed streets. And thanks to the Petworth Library and Upshur Street Books for accommodating so many families.