Phone book survey results

It's not really a surprise that almost everyone who reads Petworth News does not use a printed phone book. After all, you're already on the interwebs and are used to going to Google to get info.

Realistically, this survey isn't inclusive or scientifically accurate (are any of mine?), as it doesn't take into account those who are not online, but it wasn't intended to be all encompassing. It was really an exercise in showing that there needs to be a better way than printing phone numbers on paper.

My simple answer is to increase the range and access to Connect DC and other initiatives and make internet access a right for all DC residents. Too much is done online now, between registering your car, getting information from the government or voting for your favorite reality TV star. For those in the DC Council reading, I posit that basic internet and email access should not be a hurdle in the 21st Century.

And here then, are the survey results:

92.4% say they use Google or something else
4.5% said they do use a phone book (out of habit and for coupons)
3% still don't know what a phone book is.


Related article:
 - Found this weird book... (Aug 13, 2016)


Hyperlocal community journalist in Petworth, Washington DC.

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