Timber Pizza takes over the Slash Run location — kitchen & back office use for now

New sign on the door at 201 Upshur Street NW

Thanks to a reader who sent in a photo of a sign on the front door of the old Slash Run at 201 Upshur Street NW, we found out that Timber Pizza has taken over the location.

According to Timber CEO Luke Watson, they’re not opening a restaurant in the space, but will be using it as an office and commercial kitchen for the time being.

"In the immediate term, we will be using the space as our commercial kitchen for our mobile operation and as a corporate office,” Luke said. “In the future, there is potential to open it as a private event space, hold community events, etc., but we're still working through what that might look like."

Google Maps image of Slash Run at 2nd & Upshur Streets NW

It’s good to see the space being rented again, and I’m sure like many of you, would love to see that space open again as a bar and restaurant.

Will share more if anything changes!