Help support the Petworth Farmers Market at a fundraiser on Oct 20th

Help support the Petworth Farmers Market at a fundraiser on Oct 20th

Our Petworth Community Market is one of the few neighborhood-run farmers markets in DC — and it survives and thrives with YOUR support. On October 20th from 3-5pm, the Market is hosting a special fall fundraiser at Cinder BBQ to help keep this incredible community resource thriving.

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Roosevelt HS hosts "A Taste of Petworth" fundraiser celebrating CTE program excellence

Roosevelt HS hosts "A Taste of Petworth" fundraiser celebrating CTE program excellence

Roosevelt High School's Global Studies Campus is gearing up for an exciting fundraising event, "A Taste of Petworth," supporting their Career Technical Education (CTE) program. Join them for an evening of celebration, camaraderie and support for the future of CTE excellence at Roosevelt.

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Local DC Tool Library in Twin Oaks burglarized with over $10K in losses, fundraiser launched

Local DC Tool Library in Twin Oaks burglarized with over $10K in losses, fundraiser launched

The DC Tool Library (1390 Taylor St NW) was created in 2020 by Green Neighbors DC, who were motivated by how other tool libraries had strengthened local communities. Offering free access to more than 500 tools, the Tool Library was recently burglarized several times over the course of a week, with more than $10,000 worth of tools stolen. They’re looking to raise funds to replace tools and improve security.

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Help provide housing for 10 unhoused neighbors this winter

Help provide housing for 10 unhoused neighbors this winter

The average median household income for Ward 4 is just over $94,000 (according to DC Health Matters). Juxtapose that with the ugly truth that, every year, as a community, we lose neighbors to hypothermia and overexposure. You can help.

Winter is here.

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Black Fire documentary film explores DC's Black-owned independent Jazz label

Black Fire documentary film explores DC's Black-owned independent Jazz label

The Home Rule Music and Film Preservation Society is taking a closer look at a specific chapter in our city’s musical story: Black Fire Records, a Black-owned independent jazz record label that started in DC in the 1970s. They’re raising funds via a Kickstarter campaign to complete the project.

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Local school PTAs organize fundraisers to help their students and families

Local school PTAs organize fundraisers to help their students and families

While COVID-19 has definitely thwarted schools’ ability to fundraise, local Petworth schools are still holding holiday fundraisers to benefit their students. Many local families have been hit hard by COVID-19 and are still in need of assistance. Donating to your neighborhood school if you are able is a great way to give back to your hyperlocal community. The schools thank you in advance!

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Shop at Safeway this month and they'll donate to Roosevelt High School

Shop at Safeway this month and they'll donate to Roosevelt High School

Roosevelt High School is teaming up with the Safeway Foundation’s third annual School Spirit campaign to help raise funds on behalf of Roosevelt.

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Del Barrio invites you to celebrate the holidays and donate to a great cause: kids!

Del Barrio invites you to celebrate the holidays and donate to a great cause: kids!

Taqueria del Barrio is sponsoring several holiday events this weekend, from cookie-making to cocktail enjoying, with donations to children’s groups being at the forefront. You’re invited to come celebrate! Check ‘em out…

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Get funky and funny for a fundraiser for the homeless at Howard Theatre

Get funky and funny for a fundraiser for the homeless at Howard Theatre

The Home for Homeless [H4H] initiative will be hosting its third fundraiser at Howard Theatre on Sunday, December 16 at 5:30pm. All proceeds go to the Miriam's Kitchen. Doors open at 5:00pm. It’s music, comedy, food and more all for a great cause!

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Powell Elementary opens online auction with wide array of amazing items

Powell Elementary opens online auction with wide array of amazing items

Want to have Diane Rehm at your book club? How about suite-level tickets to see the Wizards and Capitals? With Powell Elementary’s third annual online auction, you can bid on amazing items while supporting a wonderful Title 1 bilingual elementary school in the heart of Petworth. 

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Fish in the Neighborhood is close to opening, just needs a “push over the finish line”

Fish in the Neighborhood is close to opening, just needs a “push over the finish line”

It was a busy Friday on April 14, 2017 when restaurant owner Bill White turned on the third fryer at Fish in the Neighborhood. The day started out great, cool with sunny weather and customers lining up outside on a Good Friday afternoon to order Bill’s seafood. That fryer, and a moment’s forgetfulness, changed Bill’s life and the fabric of the neighborhood.

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Highlands' owners raise awareness and funds for an issue near to their heart

Highlands' owners raise awareness and funds for an issue near to their heart

The owners of the Highlands, Moe and Berty Garay, lost their daughter Gabriela to a brain aneurysm last September. Out of the pain of that loss, they've decided to honor Gaby's memory through supporting a non-profit that was important to her. On June 2nd they are hold a fundraising event to benefit building a home for disabled adults in Moneague, Jamaica called Gaby's House. 

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Homestead kicks off a cancer awareness fundraiser & Kentucky Derby drink specials on Saturday, May 5th

Homestead kicks off a cancer awareness fundraiser & Kentucky Derby drink specials on Saturday, May 5th

TWO RACES, ONE GREAT CAUSE: Homestead Supports Brain Cancer Awareness with Kentucky Derby Fundraiser

Homestead restaurant and bar (and friend of Petworth News) is launching a special Race for Hope fundraising event on Saturday, May 5th from 3pm-7pm.

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The popular Bourbon & Bluegrass festival returns to Lincoln's Cottage in May for 2 fun days

The popular Bourbon & Bluegrass festival returns to Lincoln's Cottage in May for 2 fun days

President Lincoln's Cottage has its biggest fundraiser of the year next month on May 19th and 20th (2-5pm), and like every year, it's surely going to be an awesome event. Bourbon and Bluegrass brings together a family-friendly event of food, drink, games and music on the grounds of the Armed Forces Retirement Home, where President Lincoln used to vacation to get away from the White House.

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