There's a new Facebook Group for Brightwood and Upper GA Ave

There's a new Facebook Group for Brightwood and Upper GA Ave

There’s a new Facebook group on the block! If you live north of Military Ave/Missouri Road (e.g., Brightwood, Colonial Village, Shepherd Park, Takoma, Manor Park) and want a smaller online space to connect with neighbors and share local news, then learn more!

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The benefits of a rock garden (it’s easier to do than you may think)

The benefits of a rock garden (it’s easier to do than you may think)

We’ve all seen rock gardens here and there but for whatever reason, it’s not normally what comes to mind as something to put in our own yards. With their beautiful blend of rugged stones and delicate plants, a rock garden is a gardener’s delight and within your reach. A rock garden’s appeal also goes beyond aesthetics. Here’s why you should consider adding a rock garden to your outdoor space.

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Home Rule Music Festival returns to The Parks at Walter Reed — definitely an amazing show

Home Rule Music Festival returns to The Parks at Walter Reed — definitely an amazing show

A celebration of DC's rich musical legacy and culture, the Home Rule Music Festival’s largest day is the free outdoor music show and vinyl fair on the great lawn at the Parks at Walter Reed. This year’s outdoor show is June 22nd, with “doors” opening at 12pm, and music kicking off at 1pm.

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PSA: Beware scam police phone calls

PSA: Beware scam police phone calls

This was a new one. Both my wife and I received separate phone calls around the same time from a man claiming to be a “Washington DC police officer” and telling us that we have a warrant for our arrest for a missed court date.

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Shining a light on the development at 1st and Kennedy Streets NW

Shining a light on the development at 1st and Kennedy Streets NW

Long reported and long awaited, the property on the northeast corner of 1st and Kennedy Streets NW in the Manor Park neighborhood – the now-called “71 Kennedy” – will soon be developed. This is despite community concerns about the proposed development changes, such as the developer’s decision to remove the promised first-floor retail component. The lack of transparency, along with apparent obfuscation of prior business relationships and no longer keeping to stated commitments, has residents angered.

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Some in 16th Street Heights want to hire private security to patrol their streets — should they?

Some in 16th Street Heights want to hire private security to patrol their streets — should they?

In the wake of a fatal shooting in the 16th Street Heights neighborhood, some residents have started exploring the idea of hiring a private security firm to patrol their streets. They want to restore a sense of safety and security to their neighborhood, with the proposal reflecting the anxiety and fear their neighborhood — and the city in general — feel as residents look to ensure safety. Where does MPD fit in?

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National poetry month is here, and so is DCPL’s annual Haiku Contest!

National poetry month is here, and so is DCPL’s annual Haiku Contest!

In celebration of National Poetry Month, DCPL is hosting its annual Haiku Contest. Poets of all ages are welcome; residents aged 6 and up are invited to submit two haiku either online or with a paper entry at participating libraries.

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Breaking: Two foster monkeys loose in Petworth

Breaking: Two foster monkeys loose in Petworth

Of all the days… a resident in 16th Street Heights reported that her two foster squirrel monkeys have escaped their enclosure at her house and now are loose in the neighborhood.

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Councilmember's Corner: DC programs we should all know (Copy)

Councilmember's Corner: DC programs we should all know (Copy)

My team and I wanted to highlight some great DC programs that are already in place but go underutilized because not enough people know about them. This CM Corner article offers a ton of DC programs and services, with a brief description and link to more information. I hope it is a useful resource for you and your families as we begin spring in DC!

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Former Powell Elementary PTA treasurer being sued by DC AG for theft of money meant for students

Former Powell Elementary PTA treasurer being sued by DC AG for theft of money meant for students

The DC Attorney General’s office has filed a lawsuit against Robynn Chandler-Mitchell, the former Treasurer of Powell Padres, the Powell Elementary parent-teachers organization, for failing to return almost $19,000 she took from the Powell PTA.

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Local DC Tool Library in Twin Oaks burglarized with over $10K in losses, fundraiser launched

Local DC Tool Library in Twin Oaks burglarized with over $10K in losses, fundraiser launched

The DC Tool Library (1390 Taylor St NW) was created in 2020 by Green Neighbors DC, who were motivated by how other tool libraries had strengthened local communities. Offering free access to more than 500 tools, the Tool Library was recently burglarized several times over the course of a week, with more than $10,000 worth of tools stolen. They’re looking to raise funds to replace tools and improve security.

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Is ANC 4C going through the motions or will they actually take community input? (Community Opinion)

Is ANC 4C going through the motions or will they actually take community input? (Community Opinion)

A Community-Submitted Opinion Article
Today, after significant pleading from a long standing community resident, three ANC commissioners released the draft resolution.  While I am grateful that the ANC Commissioners finally heeded the advice of community members to be more transparent, the proposal continues to fall short and does not sincerely address the concerns of those most impacted by the DDOT proposal.

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Compete in the "Ward 4 Out Loud" slam poetry competition and open mic for students

Compete in the "Ward 4 Out Loud" slam poetry competition and open mic for students

The Ward 4 Out Loud Slam Poetry Competition and Open Mic is a slam poetry program for middle and high school students who reside or attend school in Ward 4. Competition winners and runner-ups win cash prizes! Learn more and sign up!

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Help choose Lower Georgia Avenue’s new street banners! (Updated!)

Help choose Lower Georgia Avenue’s new street banners! (Updated!)

UPDATED: Lower Georgia Avenue Main Street (LGAMS) will be printing three banner designs to decorate the poles along the corridor. These banners will span the entire corridor, from Upshur Street to Barry Place. But which three designs should make the cut?

You can help choose!

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