Fields 4 Valor farm helps veterans, and the Petworth resident who started it

Fields 4 Valor farm helps veterans, and the Petworth resident who started it

Petworth resident Peter Scott has spent his entire adult life serving others. First the United States through his military career, and now to veterans in-need by providing food. Their Maryland farm provides 2 tons of food, and they can always use more volunteers to help.

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Featured Property: 755 Kenyon St NW

Featured Property: 755 Kenyon St NW

Exposed brick brings through the full character of this cozy 2 bedroom, 2 bath rowhome, while the beautiful rustic wood flooring seamlessly connects all rooms on the main level.

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The 2020 ANC 4C candidates, in their own words

The 2020 ANC 4C candidates, in their own words

ANC 4C has 10 single member districts, of which 2 have no opposition. The rest have two people running, so there’s 18 candidates offering their information. Remember, you only vote for one commissioner for your Single Member District.

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The 2020 ANC 4D candidates, in their own words

The 2020 ANC 4D candidates, in their own words

ANC 4D has six single member districts, one of which has no candidate running for the seat (4D05).

Here are interviews with the five 2020 candidates (one seat has no one running… maybe you should?).

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Bring Trick-or-Treating home with this fun game & treats box from a Petworth local

Bring Trick-or-Treating home with this fun game & treats box from a Petworth local

Petworth local Victoria Richards loves Halloween, a passion she learned from her father. “He’s a Halloween fanatic,” she said, “who would decorate our family home with fake cobwebs, spiders and pumpkins every Halloween. Although my siblings and I have left home, he still goes overboard with the Halloween decorations and makes sure our house is one with "the good candy."

That passion for Halloween — and her sadness about how Covid is impacting celebrating the day — led the 27-year old to start her own Etsy business selling a “Trick or Treat Box” for kids.

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Halloween is coming, join a (socially distant) parade!

Halloween is coming, join a (socially distant) parade!

We asked readers what their thoughts are about celebrating Halloween… do we go trick or treating? Do we give out candy? Is it ghosts and ghouls in the streets, but no one else? Here’s the responses from readers, and an invitation to attend a Socially Distant Halloween Parade!

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Featured Property: 703 Randolph St NW

Featured Property: 703 Randolph St NW

Bright, fresh, new, and gorgeous 2-bedroom, 2 bath condo in the true heart of Petworth at 703 Randolph Street NW. This unit has a wide-open floor plan with high-end finishes and a beautiful color palette.

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Ideas on how to find balance with working from home and distant learning [sponsored]

Ideas on how to find balance with working from home and distant learning [sponsored]

As a community, I am sure we can all agree that these last five months have turned our lives somewhat upside down. From distant learning, to virtual meetings and virtual celebrations to limited socials gatherings, what a job we have just balancing it all! Now here is the start of a new school year, and where’s the balance?

Party Time STEAMing Engineers at 205 Upshur Street can help.

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Show the veterans at AFRH some love by making a short video!

Show the veterans at AFRH some love by making a short video!

President Lincoln’s Cottage is holding its annual Homecoming event to support the veterans who call the Armed Forces Retirement Home their home. This year, due to the pandemic, they’re asking the community to submit videos to show their appreciation for the men and women who gave their time to defend our country.

“We invite members of the Petworth community to submit videos for them and share them with the Lincoln's Cottage team. We will edit the videos we receive into one meaningful video for the veterans to enjoy on their senior TV.”

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Featured property: 629 Farragut Street NW

Featured property: 629 Farragut Street NW

No corners were cut with this property! This home at 629 Farragut Street NW boasts authentic 3/4" hardwood floors throughout the well-planned open floor layout. With the large living and dining space just off the updated kitchen, you'll be able to enjoy entertaining friends and family or keep an eye out on the kids while they're at school.

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We're gonna be on TV and want your opinion

We're gonna be on TV and want your opinion

A local TV station is doing a show about real estate in Petworth and 16th Street Heights, and asked Petworth News to offer some on-camera background on the history and interesting architectural details on both neighborhoods.

So we’re looking to you for help!

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Sneak peek of Menya Hosaki, set to open on Wednesday 9/9

Sneak peek of Menya Hosaki, set to open on Wednesday 9/9

Menya Hosaki, the new ramen restaurant at 845 Upshur St NW, is getting ready to open their doors to the neighborhood on Wednesday, September 9th. They’re doing a few practice nights with friends and family this week, getting ready for next week.

Here’s a sneak peak inside…

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Win a free masked storytelling tour of Lincoln's Cottage or the National Cemetery!

Win a free masked storytelling tour of Lincoln's Cottage or the National Cemetery!

President Lincoln’s Cottage, located on the grounds of the Armed Forces Retirement Home off of Rock Creek Church Road, is offering a chance to win 4 tickets to attend one of their latest socially-distanced tours!

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Menya Hosaki is the passionate exploration of Eric Yoo’s love for ramen, family and community

Menya Hosaki is the passionate exploration of Eric Yoo’s love for ramen, family and community

We first met up with Eric Yoo in March 2019, back when the world didn’t know about Covid-19, and the idea of opening a new restaurant was nerve-wracking for completely different reasons. Now, over a year later Eric is getting ready to open his new ramen restaurant, Menya Hosaki, on Upshur Street. His passion for ramen, his description of the menu and his deep-seated reasons for upending his life to open a ramen restaurant sounds like Petworth’s latest Asian restaurant is going to be amazing.

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