Celebrating 2 years of creating healthy smiles in Petworth

Celebrating 2 years of creating healthy smiles in Petworth

The journey to open Solstice Smiles Dental was a long and bumpy one, particularly due to the effects of the pandemic that set us back in multiple ways. However, with determination and perseverance, the practice was able to build up their clients over the past two years and create a community where people understand the importance of their oral health.

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Traffic safety meeting for New Hampshire & Taylor on Jan 11

Traffic safety meeting for New Hampshire & Taylor on Jan 11

Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner Karen Livingston (ANC 4C06) is hosting a Zoom call with DDOT to discuss community concerns around pedestrian safety at the intersection of New Hampshire Avenue, 7th and Taylor Streets NW. The call is Thursday, January 11th at 7:30pm via Zoom.

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Local pickup frisbee and soccer games help tie neighbors together

Local pickup frisbee and soccer games help tie neighbors together

Not only does frisbee create a sense of community but so does the distinct and strong identity as a Petworth resident. When asked about Petworth as a neighborhood, Zach said, “Here, people really want to know each other and feel part of a community. I’m really glad we have that.”

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You can help support Roosevelt students with experiencing international schools

You can help support Roosevelt students with experiencing international schools

Roosevelt is looking for community help to support their students who are preparing for international travel next semester. Students are planning to travel to Costa Rica, Taiwan, France and Poland for an international experience. You can help by donating today!

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The Upshur Art & Craft fair is Saturday, Dec 9th! Santa will be there!

The Upshur Art & Craft fair is Saturday, Dec 9th! Santa will be there!

The Upshur Art & Craft Fair is finally back after the pandemic hiatus! This really cool event on the 800 block of Upshur Street NW (11am-4pm) features more than 20 vendors selling hand-made and artisanal works up and down the block.

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Volunteer for the Uptown Pride Planning Committee!

Volunteer for the Uptown Pride Planning Committee!

After a very successful first year, the Uptown Pride event organizers are looking to grow their planning committee and are looking for volunteers to join the committee. Learn more…

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A walk around the neighborhood — Petworth Blooms

A walk around the neighborhood — Petworth Blooms

With the weather changing, it’s still a great time to take a stroll through Petworth and visit a few of our parks! There’s lots of cool stuff to see in our neighborhood’s green spaces, and along the way as well. Follow along as we check out the sights…

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More pictures from Celebrate Petworth 2023!

More pictures from Celebrate Petworth 2023!

Local photographer Albert “Pootie” Ting took a ton of great photos at Celebrate Petworth 2023. There’s so many, in fact, that I had to edit them down and we still have over 300 to share!

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Some pictures from Celebrate Petworth 2023

Some pictures from Celebrate Petworth 2023

After being postponed from September due to bad weather, the 9th Annual Celebrate Petworth Festival was a pretty resounding success on November 18th on the 800 block of Upshur Street. Here’s a bunch of photos I took while running the Main Stage, the Dog Show and walking around.

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Map & Schedule for Celebrate Petworth Festival on Nov 18

Map & Schedule for Celebrate Petworth Festival on Nov 18

Come out for the Main Stage music, Dog Show, tons of Kids’ Activities on 9th Street, local vendors and artists and a bunch of food. Plus, visit all the businesses on the block who are participating from their storefronts and restaurants!

Check out the day’s schedule and map in these handy graphics, and download a PDF (printed copies will be available day-of at the Festival).

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Grant Circle gets another safety redesign proposal (for 2025)

Grant Circle gets another safety redesign proposal (for 2025)

On Wednesday, November 8th, DC’s Department of Transportation presented a proposal to the community to make Grant Circle pedestrian and bicycle safety more prominent, while attempting to keep the flow of vehicular traffic moving in a safe manner.

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Check out the Main Stage lineup for Celebrate Petworth, happening Nov 18!

Check out the Main Stage lineup for Celebrate Petworth, happening Nov 18!

This year’s Main Stage (sponsored by Washington Gas) is outstanding. The stage is set up at the intersection of 9th and Upshur Street, with music starting at 11am and going all day to 5pm on November 18th.

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Celebrate Petworth is Saturday, November 18th! Volunteer to help out!

Celebrate Petworth is Saturday, November 18th! Volunteer to help out!

 After getting rained out in September, the volunteers and organizers of Celebrate Petworth are excited to be able to put on the annual neighborhood event on Saturday, November 18th from 11am to 5pm on the 800 block of Upshur Street NW. Here’s how to volunteer to help!

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DPR gets ready for Upshur Park renovations — share your input in a survey

DPR gets ready for Upshur Park renovations — share your input in a survey

After more than a decade, Upshur Park, located at 4300 Arkansas Ave NW, is scheduled for a $19 million renovation.

You can submit your thoughts on what to prioritize in the renovation via an online survey — the deadline to submit your input is November 19th.

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