A year of weekly Petworth newsletters
/Tonight's Weekly Update marks the 52nd issue — one year — of email newsletters. I started the once-a-week newsletter on May 29, 2015, and only missed one week (I think I had the flu that week). Everything you read on Petworth News is about or impacts our neighborhood, whether you live in Petworth or Southwest Petworth, Brightwood Park, 16th Street Heights, etc. It's about what happens here.
How the magic happens... a camera, an iPad, a computer and more than likely some tasty beverage.
The first newsletter went out to 15 people (thanks you guys!) and tonight's will go out to more than 700 people. About 75% of recipients open the newsletter each week, which if you're into newsletter metrics, is way, way above the average for this type of email (thanks you guys!).
In each weekly email, I republish the articles that you might have missed (what, you don't check the website, Twitter and Facebook page every day??), skipping those articles that have "expired," meaning they were about an event occurring that week, etc. I also include one of my Instagram photos from the week.
If you don't subscribe... you should! It's free, it's once-a-week and it's awesome. Also, you'll never get spam from me, but hey, that's just not polite. You can sign up right now >
I appreciate every person who subscribes, opens and reads the newsletter!