CM Todd gets a birthday party & committee assignments

Two updates on our new Councilmember, Brandon Todd

First, he's celebrating his 32nd birthday tonight at 6:30pm-8:00pm at Sala Thai (3716 Georgia Ave NW) and is inviting the community to come join the party.

He also received his Council committee assignments:
- Business, Consumer and Regulatory Affairs
- Education
- Transportation and the Environment

"I am looking forward to participating actively on these committees," said Councilmember Todd. "I will remain focused on my goals of ensuring government accountability, promoting business and economic development, and furthering our commitment to ensuring quality education for our children."

He also said he plans on attending the Petworth News Shindig on the 29th at Petworth Citizen. Hope you are too!


Hyperlocal community journalist in Petworth, Washington DC.

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