Update on listserv merge, some budget needed


NO MORE DONATIONS PLEASE! Thank you to everyone who donated! We’re good now on funds!

Wow! Response has been overwhelmingly positive toward merging the two neighborhood email listservs. Over 160 people have responded so far, with 93% of respondents saying to merge the Greater Grant Circle and Petworth Listservs. So consider that a done deal. More details coming soon.

However, it takes a village…
If we want to migrate all the subscribers and the archive of posts (history) over to the new platform automatically, it will cost $110 to set up a premium plan with Groups.io that gives us that option for one year. (Our other option, Google Groups, doesn’t have a list mass-import feature for subscribers and data, so thousands would have to sign up again, and I’m trying to avoid that cluster). We can transfer members, archives (without attachments, however), photos, files and links. After the first year we can downgrade our plan and lose some features, but not what we’ve uploaded already, and not have future costs.

Give a buck!
If you want to have the new listserv and want to have it done for you, how about making a donation to help cover the cost.

If everyone who voted gives a dollar, we’ll cover the cost for a year. If you give $2, we’ll cover the cost for 2 years, etc. Feel free to go wild and give more.

Using the friends and family option in PayPal, you can make a donation. The money comes to me, personally:

Notes on how I’ll use the funds:
I’ll use the donated funds to cover set up and transition costs from Yahoo to Groups.io. Any remaining monies over $50 will go to funding the costs for next year. If I have below $50 remaining, I’ll donate the leftover funds to a local school PTA of my choice.

If we get some but not enough donated funds to make the automated transition happen, then I’ll go ahead set up the new Petworth group and send out invites via the old listserv email list and post here on Petworth News, and let people subscribe manually. In that case, we’ll just let the old content on Yahoo get deleted next month.

I won’t give donation refunds because oy, what an administrative headache that would be one dollar at a time, so I’ll donate the funds to a PTA of my choice. In other words, there’s no profit being generated.

Let’s do this thing!


Hyperlocal community journalist in Petworth, Washington DC.

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