Meeting about 3701 Georgia Ave redevelopment (Sweet Mango Cafe)

ANC 4C Commissioner Timothy Jones is holding a Single Member District meeting (SMD) tonight at 801 Shepherd St NW at 7pm along with Rooney Properties, the new owner and developer of 3701 Georgia Avenue, which used to be Sweet Mango Cafe. 

If you hadn't heard, Sweet Mango Cafe went out of business last fall and lost their building to a foreclosure. Rooney Properties picked up the building at auction for $2.4 million and plans on putting a 21-unit apartment building on the location, with retail in the bottom floor. (Here's an article about the purchase.)

This building is also the home of a mural memorializing the DC musician, Chuck Brown. A lot of people are upset at the prospect of losing the mural when the existing building is torn down. According to Lex Lefebvre, director of development for Rooney Properties, they're open to looking at some alternatives to recreate the mural.

“I love the mural,” said Lex Lefebvre, according to a Washington Post article. “We obviously know the mural has a lot of significance in the neighborhood and so we talked about a couple of ways we can incorporate it into the new project.”

If you can't the meeting, I'm sure you can email Commissioner Jones any questions.

Hey: I can't make the meeting tonight, but if you go and take notes, I'll publish them and give you credit! Take pics too and a drink is on me.


Hyperlocal community journalist in Petworth, Washington DC.

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