MPD: Look out for strangers preying on the elderly

This week, a senior citizen resident along the 400 block of Decatur St NW had a visitor come to her home that upset the woman's children and concerns the police.

According to an email on the local listserv from the resident's daughter, a woman identifying herself as "Ms. Jackson from the Ombudsman DC office" knocked on her elderly mother's door and said she was in the neighborhood assessing the "disabled" and that someone gave her the resident's name. "Ms. Jackson" told the resident that she came to see her about "a fruit shipment she was supposed to get from the ANC."

The woman talked her way into the house without presenting ID. She asked the resident about a room in the house, inquired who else lived there, and then called someone to say she needed everything "they" offered. Ms. Jackson left the house and the daughter later called police to report the incident.

According to the daughter, the mother did receive some type of fruit basket in the past, and thought the visit from "Ms. Jackson" might have been related.

"We believe this was probably predatory activity aimed at seniors in an attempt to obtain identifying information for fraudulent purposes," said MPD Lt Anthony Washington. "I ask that our Petworth family keep an eye out for our senior citizens and report any incidents that does not appear proper."

"I encourage everyone to have the conversation with their senior family members and instill in them the importance of not revealing personal information to strangers who present themselves as friendly and genuine," Lt. Washington added.

Lt. Washington asks anyone who has come in contact with 'Ms. Jackson' or might have other information to email him.

Make sure your senior citizen neighbors know about this incident!


Hyperlocal community journalist in Petworth, Washington DC.

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