Leonardo Dorcett: helping to make a better neighborhood

Leonardo Dorcett: helping to make a better neighborhood

I'd like to introduce you to Leonardo Dorcett, a gentleman whom I've come to respect and appreciate, and someone who I believe deserves recognition for his work in the community. Work that most people don't know about. 

This is the first Petworth News Video, a partnership between myself and another Petworth resident, Justin Dent. Our goal with this new video series is to shine a spotlight on the people, places and events that help make Petworth a great neighborhood, and who often go overlooked. We hope you get to know Leonardo and the other people we'll feature, and have a better understanding of what goes on behind the scenes to make Petworth a better neighborhood for us all.

If you know someone you believe is a change maker in the community who might be interested in being interviewed, please submit a nomination.

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