Dog breed specific legislation: It just doesn’t work -- a student perspective

Dog breed specific legislation: It just doesn’t work -- a student perspective

I am an owner of two pitbull: my girl’s name is Precious and my boy’s name is Max. I love them both so very dearly and can't imagine being without them. It saddens me to know that there are laws that are intended to protect people but are hurting animals and pet owners.

Ed note: We’re pleased to publish the article below from Toni Blakeney, a senior at Capital City Public Charter School.

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Renovations: Is granite going out of style? [sponsored]

Renovations: Is granite going out of style? [sponsored]

Is it true? Could granite's 30-year reign be coming to an end? While we can't say for sure, we think granite remains a solid choice. After all, it's both durable and attractive -- and it's become increasingly affordable, too. However, there's just no denying granite's seeming decline as homeowners opt for more modern kitchen designs, they're also opting for more understated countertop alternatives. Here's a quick look at some of the countertop's hottest contenders...

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What’s with the buzz around Kundalini Yoga?

What’s with the buzz around Kundalini Yoga?

You may have heard about Lighthouse Yoga Center’s Kundalini Yoga classes lately. The Washington Post featured it in an article "A lesser-known yoga style focused on internal health is gaining popularity in the U.S., some prominent Kundalini Yoga musicians have been in town lately, and the visibility of this ancient form of yoga has been growing quickly in recent years.

But what is Kundalini Yoga? And why is DC’s only Kundalini Yoga studio based in Petworth?

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