The US Census starts this month -- tips on how to get counted!

The US Census starts this month -- tips on how to get counted!

The census of all people inside the United States, mandated by the US Constitution to be collected every 10 years, starts this month. Invites to participate go out March 12th.

The 2020 Census is easy, safe, and confidential. You are being asked to answer a simple questionnaire about yourself and everyone who lives with you.

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A great opportunity: Apply to attend the US Park Police Citizens' Academy

A great opportunity: Apply to attend the US Park Police Citizens' Academy

The United States Park Police is holding it's next Citizens' Academy next month, and they're looking for people to apply to participate. I participated in the first Academy back in October 2016 and found it to be a fascinating experience and look into one of the oldest police departments in the United States -- one that started with only two officers!

I highly recommend participating in the Academy.

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