WMATA releases results of vibrations and noise study

WMATA releases results of vibrations and noise study

WMATA finally released the results of a study conducted by Wilson Ihrig, a company hired to study resident complaints of increased noise and vibrations that have led to some alledgedly damaged homes.

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Metro continues delays on full response to residents' concerns about vibrations

Metro continues delays on full response to residents' concerns about vibrations

After a year of waiting, residents concerned about noise and vibrations they believe are caused by WMATA Metro trains are still waiting to know the cause. 

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Where's the update from WMATA about Metro trains causing noise and vibrations?

Where's the update from WMATA about Metro trains causing noise and vibrations?

Residents met last December with representatives from WMATA, Councilmember Brandon Todd's office and others to share their concerns about rumbling noises and shaking they felt was caused by Metro trains running underground through Petworth. Answers to what's causing this seem hard to get.

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WMATA tries again to conduct Metro vibration study with local volunteers

WMATA tries again to conduct Metro vibration study with local volunteers

WMATA General Manager Paul Wiedefeld sent a response to Ward 4 Councilmember Brandon Todd's June 30th letter asking WMATA for an update on the noise and shaking allegedly caused by Metro trains running underground on the Green line in Petworth.

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Metro ready to begin investigating shaking homes around Petworth

Metro ready to begin investigating shaking homes around Petworth

After months of residents' expressing their concerns to Metro, WMATA's third-party vendor, Wilson Ihrig, is ready to being studying vibrations and noise at homes in the area.

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Could broken rail clips on Metro line be the cause of shaking houses in Petworth?

Could broken rail clips on Metro line be the cause of shaking houses in Petworth?

WTOP published a really interesting overview of the recent Federal Transportation Agency report on the status of the ongoing Metro repairs. FTA investigators have been closely monitoring WMATA and its employees as the SafeTrack process continues to work on existing defects in the metro system. One of the conclusions from the recent FTA report concerns the issue, first reported by Petworth News on December 13th, about the shaking and noise Petworth residents are experiencing since this summer.

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WMATA says it continues to research reports of shaking homes in Petworth

WMATA says it continues to research reports of shaking homes in Petworth

In a follow-up article by the Washington Post published on December 31st, reporter Martine Powers met with residents to investigate the possibility that the noise and shaking is being caused by an increase in usage of the new 7000 series trains.

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Neighbors report shaking houses, rumbling noises along Metro's Green line

Neighbors report shaking houses, rumbling noises along Metro's Green line

At the Single Member District meeting of ANC 4C Commissioner Timothy Jones (4C08), more than 30 residents met with WMATA and DC gov officials to discuss what's going on. The message from neighbors as far north as Allison, south to Randolph, and from 4th across to 7th Street and along New Hampshire Avenue is incredibly consistent: the noise and shaking started mid-summer and it's getting worse.

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