Register for the Celebrate Petworth Dog Show and try to win a prize!

Register for the Celebrate Petworth Dog Show and try to win a prize!

The Celebrate Petworth Festival is returning this year after a Covid-hiatus, coming to the 800 block of Upshur Street on Saturday, September 25th from 11-5pm. The Dog Show contest is at noon — and you can register now to show off your pup for a chance to win part of the $700 in available prizes!

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Petworth restaurants reopen post-vaccine while prioritizing staff’s needs

Petworth restaurants reopen post-vaccine while prioritizing staff’s needs

Restaurants in Petworth are excited to move towards the pre-pandemic “normal,” but they acknowledge that normal may still be a ways off — even with increased vaccine distribution in DC and the Mayor’s decision to allow restaurants to return to 100% capacity. With that in mind, they are ensuring their staff comes first as they navigate the new economics of a post-vaccine District.

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July 4th celebration at Old Soldiers Home returns! (updated)

July 4th celebration at Old Soldiers Home returns! (updated)

The Fourth of July Celebration is coming back this year at the Armed Forces Retirement Home (AFRH), also known as the Old Soldiers Home.

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June brings amazing new blooming flowers to Petworth

June brings amazing new blooming flowers to Petworth

The rains of spring bring a bounty of blooms to Petworth gardens and parks. This month we look at lillies, phlox, blazing stars and more. You never know what you’ll see in the neighborhood… unless you read Petworth Blooming.

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Enjoy free music on Upshur Street with Summer Saturdays

Enjoy free music on Upshur Street with Summer Saturdays

Petworth Summer Saturdays is a new live music series on the 800 block of Upshur Street in front of Willow Fashion on Saturdays from 5-7pm from July 10 – September 18.

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Flor Del Soul makes flowers grow at Femme Fatale DC

Flor Del Soul makes flowers grow at Femme Fatale DC

Working years as a Federal Contractor for the Children’s Bureau, Karissa Ruano worked tirelessly to better the lives of families and children. While she loved the job, working in the child welfare field can be exhausting. It was this fatigue that propelled Karissa to explore her creative side through a part time job at the Petworth flower shop She Loves Me. From there, she ended up accidentally starting her own, now successful business, Flor Del Soul.

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Celebrate Pride month on 14th Street this weekend with a ton of local specials

Celebrate Pride month on 14th Street this weekend with a ton of local specials

Uptown Main Street, Solar Solution, and a dozen uptown small businesses will celebrate Pride Month with the Wear Your Pride Block Party on Saturday, June 5 from 11am - 4:30pm starting at at 4700 14th Street NW.

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New condos finally coming to 8th & Upshur after years of false starts

New condos finally coming to 8th & Upshur after years of false starts

The corner house at 4127 8th Street NW has been the topic of debate and discussion for years. Sitting on a large corner lot along Upshur and 8th Streets, it was a beautiful detached single family home built in 1915.

It’s now set to be six condos offering 2 bedroom, 3.5 bathroom units.

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A shooting, a collision and a teenager killed

A shooting, a collision and a teenager killed

I was sitting up in my home office around 11:50am on Friday when I heard a loud crash, and thought, “Wow, that sounds more severe than a fender bender.” So I ran downstairs and out the front door, looked down the block and saw a small white Honda Civic crashed head-on into my neighbor’s SUV. “Oh man.”

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Win free tickets to Bourbon & Bluegrass with Lincoln's Cottage!

Win free tickets to Bourbon & Bluegrass with Lincoln's Cottage!

Bourbon and Bluegrass is an annual preservation fundraiser and celebration of great American music and cocktails to help safeguard Abraham Lincoln’s beloved summer home right here in Petworth. The performance is virtual and will be livestreamed from President Lincoln’s Cottage where it will be performed live for the veterans at the Armed Forces Retirement Home who have been sequestered the past year.

Enter for a chance to win free tickets!

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New West school building will open this fall and will be DC’s first "Net-Zero" school

New West school building will open this fall and will be DC’s first "Net-Zero" school

After a multi-year, community-led effort to modernize West Elementary school at 1335 Farragut Street NW, the new building’s doors will open to students this fall as students return to the classrooms in person.

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After years with no HVAC, in the midst of a pandemic, Powell parents have reached their boiling point

After years with no HVAC, in the midst of a pandemic, Powell parents have reached their boiling point

As District schools finish their second pandemic year, and parents cautiously anticipate a return to normalcy next fall, families at Powell Elementary School are girding for a fight. The school’s HVAC system, which has been broken for the entirety of the COVID pandemic — even as some kids returned to in-person learning — is still inoperable. Parents and the school Principal are afraid it may not be fixed by the fall, forcing unvaccinated children to resume school in boiling hot classrooms without proper air circulation.

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Found at the library: One woman’s remembrance of growing up in 1920s Petworth

Found at the library: One woman’s remembrance of growing up in 1920s Petworth

Out of curiosity, I recently started digging around the DC Library Archives for stuff about the Petworth neighborhood and came across a small book published in 1995, “Growing Up in Petworth in Washington DC 1919-1950.” Written by Margaret MacGill at the age of 76, she recalls the story of her family and childhood in her family house at 528 Taylor St NW. She writes in the book that the home’s location “must have seemed like the end of the world to be moving that far out from downtown.”

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Getting a Main Street designation can help Petworth businesses

Getting a Main Street designation can help Petworth businesses

There’s been a push to create a Main Street for the Petworth area to help small businesses along the Georgia Avenue corridor. This effort requires both community support and DC Council support.

Learn more and sign a petition or learn how to testify in support of the designation to help small business in Petworth.

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