Help lower Georgia Avenue blossom by taking a survey on future development ideas
/Heritage Trail marker near Girard Street in Ward 1 (photo courtesy of District Bridges)
The Lower Georgia Avenue Main Street program is conducting a community survey about Georgia Avenue in Park View, with a goal of designing strategies for enhancing the stretch of Georgia Avenue from Barry Place on the south, to Kansas Avenue on the north.
If you want to help this area be developed smartly, in cooperation with long-time businesses and fitting the needs of the residents who live along the stretch, take the survey and share your opinion. The survey closes on May 7, 2018.
The survey will help the Lower Georgia Ave (LGA) Main Street program better understand community priorities for community-based economic development. LGA Main Street is a new program run by District Bridges and funded through the DC Department of Small & Local Business Development. (District Bridges is a "nonprofit organization with a mission to enrich neighborhood vitality by bridging community engagement and economic development opportunities so individuals, businesses, and organizations can thrive together.")
The survey will support the technical assistance and promotional activities for small businesses in neighborhoods along Georgia Avenue from Kansas Avenue to Barry Place, including Upshur Street.
So take a few minutes, take the survey and contribute your thoughts! You can have an impact.