The new Greater Petworth email listserv is here!

The Greater Petworth group is here, and the older Greater Grant Circle and the Petworth listservs are going away very soon.

As we’ve written about in the past, the area email listservs are all going to be greatly impacted with Yahoo Groups shuttering almost all functionality. The owners of the Petworth and the Greater Grant Circle listservs gave me control of their groups to transition these popular email groups to a new provider. I chose and paid $220 to migrate and merge all the content from the Yahoo groups to the new, single “Greater Petworth” group. (Thanks to some generous neighbor donations, we covered the cost of the migration.)

We’ll be shutting down the Greater Grant Circle Yahoo listserv and the Petworth Yahoo listserv in the next two weeks. We’ve migrated as much of the content as possible, with some posts going back to 2002!

If you were a member of either listserv, I’ve automatically moved your subscription to the new Group. If you weren’t a member and want to be, use the links below to join. It’s free and a great way to communicate with the community. Posts are not moderated, and there’s no permission needed to join.


Hyperlocal community journalist in Petworth, Washington DC.

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