DDOT looking to put a traffic light at 8th, Quincy, New Hampshire Ave intersection

DDOT looking to put a traffic light at 8th, Quincy, New Hampshire Ave intersection

DDOT has released a Notice of Intent to add a traffic signal at the intersection of Quincy, 8th and New Hampshire Avenue. Additionally, they are planning on changing the 3700 block of 8th Street to southbound only off of the intersection.

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DDOT just had a private meeting to discuss Grant Circle and you (probably) weren't invited

DDOT just had a private meeting to discuss Grant Circle and you (probably) weren't invited

A number of readers have reported that DDOT held a private, unpublicized meeting with a group of residents about the proposed safety changes coming to Grant Circle on Monday, July 8th at Center City School on Webster Street NW.

You weren’t invited and didn’t even know about it.

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Ethiopian pizza parlor Ice ‘n Slice finds its footing in a post-pandemic Petworth

Ethiopian pizza parlor Ice ‘n Slice finds its footing in a post-pandemic Petworth

Ice 'n Slice opened in August 2022, during a tough period for restaurateurs in DC. The restaurants’s unique Ethiopian-Italian fusion has quickly made it a neighborhood favorite in Petworth. Go on a weekend and you may find a crowd of customers eating shoulder to shoulder.

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The benefits of a rock garden (it’s easier to do than you may think)

The benefits of a rock garden (it’s easier to do than you may think)

We’ve all seen rock gardens here and there but for whatever reason, it’s not normally what comes to mind as something to put in our own yards. With their beautiful blend of rugged stones and delicate plants, a rock garden is a gardener’s delight and within your reach. A rock garden’s appeal also goes beyond aesthetics. Here’s why you should consider adding a rock garden to your outdoor space.

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Join the July 4th Celebration at the Old Soldiers' Home

Join the July 4th Celebration at the Old Soldiers' Home

FOSH is looking for volunteers to help them make sure the event is amazing for neighbors and residents of the Home.

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Petworth blooms, Roosevelt Edition

Petworth blooms, Roosevelt Edition

For this article I’m checking out what’s blooming on the hillside in front of Roosevelt High School along 13th Street NW. But first a bit of history of this space. Originally this area was a grassy hill, and now is blooming.

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DDOT gives a look at Grant Circle changes, feedback open for three weeks

DDOT gives a look at Grant Circle changes, feedback open for three weeks

On Monday, June 17th, the representatives from the DC Department of Transportation (DDOT) presented their proposed changes to Grant Circle based on community feedback and their data analysis of collisions, traffic density and safety initiatives.

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Enjoy St. Pauls 156th annual Strawberry Festival on June 8th!

Enjoy St. Pauls 156th annual Strawberry Festival on June 8th!

St. Paul's Rock Creek Episcopal Church is pleased to invite Petworth neighbors to their 156th Annual Strawberry Festival on Saturday, June 8, from 4 pm-8 pm.

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Get to know Janeese Lewis George, Ward 4 Councilmember candidate

Get to know Janeese Lewis George, Ward 4 Councilmember candidate

Petworth News offered the three Democratic candidates for the Ward 4 Council seat a questionnaire. Here are the answers from the incumbent, Janeese Lewis George.

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Get to know Lisa Gore, Ward 4 Councilmember candidate

Get to know Lisa Gore, Ward 4 Councilmember candidate

Petworth News offered the three Democratic candidates for the Ward 4 Council seat a questionnaire. Two responded. Here are the answers from Lisa Gore.

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Get to know Paul Johnson, Ward 4 Councilmember candidate

Get to know Paul Johnson, Ward 4 Councilmember candidate

Paul Johnson did not submit a response to the Petworth News questionnaire. Mr. Johnson was on the Advisory Neighborhood Commission 4C. Undoubtedly, his term on the ANC was contentious. He lost his bid for reelection on the ANC. You can learn more about him on his campaign website, or via the articles included here.

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DDOT responds to Grant Circle safety improvements suggestions from ANC 4C

DDOT responds to Grant Circle safety improvements suggestions from ANC 4C

DDOT issued a formal response to ANC 4C's Resolution concerning traffic safety improvements in Grant Circle. While DDOT addressed the requests in the resolution, they also shared the challenges they foresee to meeting those requests, such as the feasibility of delivering on the suggestions and other proposed strategies for implementation.

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Host German students for a short stay as they attend Roosevelt High School

Host German students for a short stay as they attend Roosevelt High School

From May 28 to June 1st, Roosevelt will host 16 students and 3 chaperones from Homburg, Germany, and is looking for families who would be interested in hosting students in their homes for the duration of their stay. Volunteer! It’s a great experience.

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Roosevelt HS hosts "A Taste of Petworth" fundraiser celebrating CTE program excellence

Roosevelt HS hosts "A Taste of Petworth" fundraiser celebrating CTE program excellence

Roosevelt High School's Global Studies Campus is gearing up for an exciting fundraising event, "A Taste of Petworth," supporting their Career Technical Education (CTE) program. Join them for an evening of celebration, camaraderie and support for the future of CTE excellence at Roosevelt.

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