Stabbing at the Petworth library takes one man's life

Stabbing at the Petworth library takes one man's life

On Thursday evening, March 2nd around 7pm, a man using the computers at the Petworth library was stabbed by another man. The victim died at the scene.

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Fire at Petworth Metro ruled an arson

Fire at Petworth Metro ruled an arson

On Friday afternoon, February 10th, a fire was ignited on a tent belonging to an unhoused resident set up along New Hampshire Avenue next to the Petworth / Georgia Avenue Metro station.

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Many bullets, no injuries: Overnight shooting at 16th and Varnum

Many bullets, no injuries: Overnight shooting at 16th and Varnum

According to neighbors and MPD, multiple gunshots rang out overnight just before 4am near 16th and Varnum Streets NW.

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Two days after Quebec Place homicide, Park View residents quit being polite

Two days after Quebec Place homicide, Park View residents quit being polite

At least 50 people poured into the Park View Recreation Center for what was supposed to have been a regularly scheduled United Neighborhood Coalition public safety meeting, but had been hastily refocused to address Monday’s murder and the circumstances that led to it. Representatives from MPD, the US Attorney’s Office and the DC Attorney General’s Office addressed the crowd and offered suggestions for how to counter neighborhood gun violence.

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Meeting on safety and the Petworth Playground on Tuesday

Meeting on safety and the Petworth Playground on Tuesday

ANC 4C Commissioner Kim Varzi sent an email about an upcoming meeting to discuss safety concerns at the Petworth Playground. The meeting is on Tuesday, February 6th at the Petworth Recreation Center (801 Taylor Street NW). This is precipitated by the recent shooting on Monday, February 3rd at the park.

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Update on city services for Kennedy & 5th Street

Update on city services for Kennedy & 5th Street

Jasmin Benab, the ever-present, hard-working member of the Deputy Mayor for Public Safety team, sent an email out this afternoon on behalf of Kevin Donahue, the deputy mayor, regarding recent updates on city services and next steps for 5th and Kennedy Street.

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MPD releases disturbing video of shooting at 5th & Kennedy, asks for public's help

MPD releases disturbing video of shooting at 5th & Kennedy, asks for public's help

On Thursday, February 7, 2019 there was an explosion of gunshots at 5th and Kennedy Street NW. Multiple people were involved, but miraculously, considering the number of shooters, it seems no one was injured. MPD released a video of the shooting from a local retail establishment. There’s a public meeting Friday with MPD to discuss.

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Shooting on Varnum and 8th leaves two cars on sidewalk and one person shot (updated)

Shooting on Varnum and 8th leaves two cars on sidewalk and one person shot (updated)

A violent scene erupted on the 800 block of Varnum Street NW just before 11pm on Sunday night, leaving two cars on the sidewalk, one person dead from a gunshot, a woman screaming, and a lookout for two men and one woman.

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GoFundMe set up to help local resident shot on Kennedy Street

GoFundMe set up to help local resident shot on Kennedy Street

Local resident Alex Morse, who works downtown at Voice of America, was shot on Tuesday as he was leaving a restaurant near 1st and Kennedy just after noon on New Year’s Day. His friends have set up a GoFundMe to help cover costs.

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Gunshot victim breaks into Petworth resident's locked basement

Gunshot victim breaks into Petworth resident's locked basement

After the sounds of four to five gunshots one night last week, a homeowner on Crittenden street was startled when there was a crashing sound from the back of his house, and a stranger burst into the house suffering from gunshot wounds.

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Is there a hydromaniac loose in the neighborhood?

Is there a hydromaniac loose in the neighborhood?

File this one under “weird but true.” Someone seems to be going around the area opening up the water spigots on the outside of buildings and homes and letting the water run at full force. Why?

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Shooting reported 8th & Shepherd closed with arrest

Shooting reported 8th & Shepherd closed with arrest

On Friday, July 27th, there was a shooting on the 3800 block of 8th Street (originally reported as occurring at 8th and Taylor Streets). The shooter was arrested.

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Security Camera Rebate hits 10,000 cameras, more than $1.5 million in rebates

Security Camera Rebate hits 10,000 cameras, more than $1.5 million in rebates

The Security Camera Rebate program started two years ago after the DC Council passed the “Private Security Camera Incentive Program Emergency Act of 2016.” The program provides financial rebates to residents, businesses and churches who purchase outdoor security cameras and who make the recordings available to MPD upon request. Since the program started, DC has funded 10,000 cameras from 4,500 requests across the city, mainly to residents.

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Qualia staff assaulted by spitting suspect

Qualia staff assaulted by spitting suspect

File under the "Seriously, what?" category. A man who reportedly has a reputation of being a bad customer at various establishments in DC took his most recent belligerence to a new level by assaulting employees of Qualia Coffee on Monday, January 22nd.

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