Spring returns to Petworth and brings new colors to our streets

Spring returns to Petworth and brings new colors to our streets

Spring has sprung and Petworth Blooming returns! A look around the neighborhood offers splashes of bright colors for us all to enjoy. If you like the flowers at the small pocket parks and Circles, consider donating to PetworthBlooms, and help Steven expand, diversify, and maintain our gardens throughout the Petworth neighborhood.

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Roosevelt teacher helps students see value of math classwork outside of school

Roosevelt teacher helps students see value of math classwork outside of school

Christopher Olson believes in showing his students how the subjects they learn in school translate into the world outside of the classroom. The community agreed and came out to support Olson’s students with a big fundraiser.

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Come join Paul Robeson birthday celebration, Saturday, April 9th

Come join Paul Robeson birthday celebration, Saturday, April 9th

Everyone is invited to take part of the festivities celebrating Paul Robeson‘s birthday on Saturday, April 9th from 1pm to 3pm at the small park at Georgia and Kansas Avenue NW.

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Get ready for the Celebrate Petworth Festival by volunteering!

Get ready for the Celebrate Petworth Festival by volunteering!

The Celebrate Petworth Festival is kicking off planning for 2022, and is seeking volunteers to help make the day’s magic happen! This year's event will take place on Saturday, September 24th.

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Petworth PorchFest is almost here!

Petworth PorchFest is almost here!

Let’s get this cold weather out of the way now because Petworth Porchfest is coming up on Saturday, April 30th from 2-6pm (rain date Sunday, May 1st). So far there are 99 bands signed up and 63 porches ready to host.

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The Petworth mural is getting a new design

The Petworth mural is getting a new design

After delays due to weather, COVID-19 and scheduling, the plan is to start painting the new mural. Tom reached out to various area artists, and Petworth News put out a call-for-artists to get designs. A new design has been chosen and production is getting ready to start.

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A new state-of-the-art dentistry office opens in Petworth

A new state-of-the-art dentistry office opens in Petworth

Dr. Leslie-Anne Fitzpatrick is passionate about providing exceptional and comprehensive dental care serving patients of all ages in Petworth, Columbia Heights, Park View, Brightwood, and the DC metro area. After launching her state-of-the-art dental studio Solstice Smiles Dental right on Kansas Avenue in December, 2021, she reflects on the exciting but arduous journey that led her to one of her proudest accomplishments, with the hope of inspiring other local residents. This is a sponsored guest post.

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"Desayuno" brings a new option for weekend breakfast at Cinder BBQ

"Desayuno" brings a new option for weekend breakfast at Cinder BBQ

The passion project of Cinder BBQ chefs (and wedded partners) Leo Garcia and Arelie Florez, Desayuno offers breakfast from 8am until noon on Saturdays and Sundays at Cinder at 800 Upshur St NW.

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The Ward 4 Redistricting Task Force is looking for your input

The Ward 4 Redistricting Task Force is looking for your input

For the past month and a half, the Ward 4 Redistricting Task Force has been working to remap the boundaries of Advisory Neighborhood Commissions (ANCs) and the Single Member Districts (SMDs) they contain in Ward 4. According to the 2020 Census, over 8,000 people have moved into Ward 4 , so the SMD boundaries must be redrawn to comply with the 2,000 people per SMD requirement. They really want your input.

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Petworth Porchfest is coming: Got a band, a porch or want to volunteer? Sign up!

Petworth Porchfest is coming: Got a band, a porch or want to volunteer? Sign up!

The neighborhood music is coming back, and the organizers are looking for bands to perform, porches to host, and volunteers and sponsors to help the event run smoothly.

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Showcase your artwork inspired by Black History at the Petworth Library

Showcase your artwork inspired by Black History at the Petworth Library

The Petworth Library is sponsoring a Young People’s Art Contest for Black History Month. Young people ages 5-19 are invited to participate and share the ways that they feel informed, encouraged and inspired by Black history. Winners will be selected from three categories: teens (13-19), school-age children (9-12), and young children (5-8).

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Help shape the new Petworth Main Street by joining their Board

Help shape the new Petworth Main Street by joining their Board

The Board of Directors of Uptown Community Initiative (aka Uptown Main Street) is recruiting new Board members to join the Petworth Main Street board to represent Petworth. The UMS Main Street programs serve Upshur Street from 8th to 13th Streets, Georgia Avenue between Upshur St and Missouri Ave, Upper 14th Street (from Spring Road to Longfellow Street), and Kennedy Street (from 14th to North Capitol Street).

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Qualia & Commonwealth Cantina team up to offer food, coffee and community as the coffee shop gets renovated

Qualia & Commonwealth Cantina team up to offer food, coffee and community as the coffee shop gets renovated

Commonwealth Cantina, the new restaurant by Homestead owner Nic Makris, is giving next door neighbor Qualia Coffee a new home for the next six months as their building is renovated. It’s created a great synergy for the morning and lunch crowds.

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"A Special Lee Sewing Studio" offers sewing and crafting classes for all ages right here in Petworth

"A Special Lee Sewing Studio" offers sewing and crafting classes for all ages right here in Petworth

Antoinette Lee, a native Washingtonian, received her first sewing machine at age 13 and has been sewing ever since. She left her federal job to pursue her hobby full-time in 2002 and has spent the next decade and a half sewing and teaching with different local sewing stores. After encouragement from her students, she launched her own studio, A Special Lee, here in Petworth in 2017.

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