Petworth Playground to temporarily close to get Spray Park completed

Petworth Playground to temporarily close to get Spray Park completed

The Department of Parks and Recreation announced today that the Petworth Playground at 8th and Taylor Streets NW will temporarily close on April 19th until April 30th for construction.

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Get your local music on with 83 bands at Petworth Porchfest on April 24th

Get your local music on with 83 bands at Petworth Porchfest on April 24th

Music is coming to your front steps this month with Petworth Porchfest. Houses all around the neighborhood will be hosting bands on their porches on Saturday, April 24th from 2-6pm. Come out to see 83 bands playing on 64 porches within 1.5 miles of each other in a Covid-safe manner. All shows are free.

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Petworth art gallery Art of Noize’s latest exhibit focuses on Women’s Empowerment, Hair and Body Positivity

Petworth art gallery Art of Noize’s latest exhibit focuses on Women’s Empowerment, Hair and Body Positivity

Art of Noize’s newest exhibit, “Femmiliar,” opens on Saturday, April 10th. The opening reception will be on Saturday from 2-7pm. Art of Noize is located in the alley in the rear or 821 Upshur St NW.

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Petworth News sold to national conglomerate, to become "Washington News at Night"

Petworth News sold to national conglomerate, to become "Washington News at Night"

After six years as a hyper-popular hyperlocal news outlet in DC’s Ward 4, Petworth News has agreed to be acquired by an as-yet unnamed national media conglomerate for an as-yet unannounced sum of money. (But it’s probably a lot.)

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Spring has sprung in Petworth and the flowers are showing their colors

Spring has sprung in Petworth and the flowers are showing their colors

A hard year and winter behind us, spring has sprung in Petworth. This month’s rains are bringing new colors to bloom around the neighborhood. Steve Feingold walks you around the streets to show off some of the flowers you’ll see.

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Petworth Park needs you to volunteer

Petworth Park needs you to volunteer

The Friends of Petworth Park is a non-profit that was formed in 2012 to partner with the Department of Parks and Recreation to help guide the development and community use of the park at 8th and Taylor Streets NW. They need volunteers to keep the organization running.

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New proposed development at current Dance Loft on 14th Street brings more housing options

New proposed development at current Dance Loft on 14th Street brings more housing options

After a few years of renovations in a crumbling building, along with notice of a pending building sale, Dance Loft on 14 on the 4600 block of 14th Street NW is planning to purchase their current building in partnership with Heleos and redevelop the location.

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Grab and go "Little Food Studio" opens on Upshur Street

Grab and go "Little Food Studio" opens on Upshur Street

While there won't be a dine-in seating area for now, that could change in the future. She also mentioned she would love to teach others to cook through cooking events or classes once we are in the clear from Covid-19.

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Donate new/gently used sports equipment for area youth

Donate new/gently used sports equipment for area youth

Spring is on its way — and for a lot of children and adolescents that means playing team sports with their friends and peers. Baseball and softball, soccer, basketball, lacrosse, golf, football, hockey, field hockey, volleyball, racquet sports… and so on. While there may be numerous options for some to play sports, many children are not given the opportunity to benefit from the mental and physical aspects of youth sports participation because the equipment is not affordable. Covid has widened this spread.

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New art show at Art of Noize evokes the African diaspora

New art show at Art of Noize evokes the African diaspora

A cool art exhibition is opening at Art of Noize, with the opening reception on Saturday, March 6th from 7-10pm (in the rear of 821 Upshur St NW). Featuring local artists Emond Nassa and Khalid Thompson’s exhibition, Transatlantic: Innermost Connections.

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After a terrible house fire, local resident needs support

After a terrible house fire, local resident needs support

In the early hours of March 3, fire trucks converged on Renee's Petworth rowhouse on the 500 block of Shepherd Street NW, where a fire had started in the bathroom. After two hours, and believing they had completely quenched the fire, DCFD left. Renee spent the night at her cousin’s and hoped that the damage would be repairable. Tragically, the fire re-ignited, and firefighters returned around 5am to find the house going up in flames.

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Featured Property: 4517 7th St NW

Featured Property: 4517 7th St NW

Built in 1923, this 1,728 square foot home features 3 bedrooms and 3 1/2 baths in a fully renovated house on a great block. This lovely renovated home has been redone from top to bottom. New kitchen, bathrooms, HVAC, plumbing and electric systems.

This Petworth rowhouse at 4517 7th Street NW is up for auction to the highest bidder over $599,000 on March 12th.

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A look at historical, systemic racism in Petworth real estate

A look at historical, systemic racism in Petworth real estate

Historians Mara Cherkasky and Sarah Jane Shoenfeld, of Prologue DC, along with GIS specialist Brian Kraft, have devoted efforts since 2014 to mapping racially restricted property covenants in DC to illuminate the racism ingrained into DC housing history. Similarly, Tanya Golash-Boza is a sociologist who grew up in Petworth and now studies race and gentrification. Both Cherkasky and Golash-Boza have presented in TedX seminars examining housing segregation in DC and Petworth-area gentrification. Petworth News met with these historians and sociologists to talk more about the history of segregation and racism in our neighborhood.

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Wanna help with Porchfest in Petworth? Music, social distancing and good vibes

Wanna help with Porchfest in Petworth? Music, social distancing and good vibes

Porchfest is coming to Petworth, and they’re looking for bands, volunteers… and porches.

Petworth PorchFest 2021 will take place on Saturday, April 24th, from 2-6pm. Following in the footsteps of other successful PorchFests throughout the District, Petworth PorchFest is a neighborhood-wide live music event that will feature dozens of bands hosted on porches throughout Petworth.

They’re looking for volunteers, porches and bands!

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